Saturday, December 24, 2011

Live Nativity

I went to see the Live Nativity with my parents this year. I haven't been to one since I was very little. I think I may have been a bit overly excited. My favorite part was that they gave us a gold coin at the beginning. On our journey into Bethlehem when we came to the gate we had to give the guard our gold coin before we could enter. 

What I found hysterical was watching my dad try to drive, keep track of the narrative CD, and keep it on the right track for each scene, turn on the head light so he could find his gold coin, surrender his gold coin to the guards, get out of the way so I could take pictures,  make our car come to a complete stop so they wouldn't turn out blurry, and remain sane while my mother reported that there were cars waiting behind us. I have no clue how my brother did this with his three children. We could hardly manage with three adults.

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