Tuesday, December 20, 2011

::Tuesday's Tea With Me::

Grandma brought over these pink roses yesterday straight from her garden. :-) I'm pretty sure these would bring a good dose of cheer to anyone. She came over in the rain, donned her umbrella and brought them straight to my front door. And I checked... they smell fabulous. Have you ever smelled those roses that don't smell? What kind of a deal is that? Reminds me of Macy's as a child. Remember those big cushy beds out on display that you ran and jumped on and practically broke your back? Apparently Macy's doesn't believe in mattresses. I only did that once. (Probably after several assurances from my older brother that it was heaven to land on such a plush comforter.) Anyway, I digress.

Sooo... these holidays I have found myself very busy. And this week I realized, too busy. I took some time to stop for a few days actually. I had plenty of time to consider what I would like to focus on for the remaining days of 2011. How do I want to enter in to this New Year? One theme that seems to be popping up in my life these days is "quality." I'm really desiring to live my life in manner such that less is more. Perhaps fewer gifts but quality ones. Perhaps less work, but quality work. Maybe even less social interactions, but quality time and presence in each.

I have given some thought to an appropriate strategy and have landed on the notion that I'm going to take a Facebook sabbatical. Which if it resembles anything like my television sabbatical, could evolve into a permanent leave of absence. I am not however taking a sabbatical from my Tea Times with you cheery chaps. In case you have been enjoying our times together, you won't be finding them on Facebook any longer. However feel free to subscribe to e-mail notifications or just pop in whenever you the hankering.

The way I figure it, this strategy will cost me more to have time with others and cost others more as well. And too me this seems, at least from the starting gate, like a good formula for increasing quality. I could be wrong we'll see. 

For now I would like to wish you each a very Merry Christmas. May you have a wonderful week. Take time to soak it in, and particularly to enjoy the richness that comes from family and friends gathering. Love to you all. Xoxo

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