Building Family Ties and Respect for Parents
1. Enjoyment by parents of each other's company
2. Respect for each other's opinions.
3. A truly self-reliant outlook on life.
4. Treatment of the child with respect as an individual, a person worth consulting.
5. Enjoyment in doing things together as a family.
6. Sensible use of family income and joint decisions about its use.
7. Skills or traits in each family member that the others are proud of.
8. Recognition of lasting values rather than desire for excitement and amusement.
9. Acceptance of community responsibility.
Strengthening Values in Family Life
3. A truly mature, self-reliant outlook on life is reached only through practice in responsibility. A girl who has been pampered or one who had developed a self-pitying point of view because of early hardship, a man whose father has tried to keep him bowing to his will or one how has been less outstanding in school or in sports than his brother, may find that the final growing up has to come after marriage. Recognition of one's need for a more realistic outlook is the first step in changing one's habits.