Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Dream House

I found my dream house today. Amidst age old oaks, golden hills dotted with cattle, weather-worn barns, windmills, and magnificent rays of sunlight, there she was...

1 comment:

Mel said...

Looks so quiet and peaceful. :)

American and Canadian houses are much closer to the very vague idea of a dream house that I have. Houses in the UK tend to be built in massive ugly chains and I don't want to have a load of other houses pressing in on me.

I'm probably going to have to put up with it now. Completely detached properties tend to have a crazy house valuation on top of them.

But I'm absolutely bent on having a power shower, a brick barbecue and a fireplace. I'd love a library and an entrance hall too but on my budget, those are only available in cloud cuckoo land.