Tuesday, April 10, 2012

:: Tuesday's Tea With Me ::

Speaking of slowing down... I've been filling in for a social worker at a senior day-care center! Boy, you don't realize just how slow life can go until you spend time with some elderly folks. These folks have been cracking me up all week. I've been completing mental status exams which gives me the opportunity to sit down one-on-one and have an extended conversation with several program participants. 

One lady was wheeled in to see me and before we got too far into the questions I had to stop. I asked, "What is that that she's chewing on? She can't seem to get the piece of food chewed all the way." The aid started laughing really hard and told me this lady is notorious for grinding her dentures back and forth over and over. It was so grating it was making my skin crawl. And it got so irritating that all I could do was laugh, because I couldn't focus on the questions. 

My next patient was very matter of fact and she answered every question with an attitude like why in the world are you asking me such stupid questions." My first question was, "What year is it?" She says, "1985." "Okay next question, What day is it?" "January." "Okay what city are we in?" "Grover Beach."
And on and on we went with her laughing at my questions. It was rather hysterical. 

Then I went out on the floor to get a patient and bring her into my office for her interview. I found her and introduced myself. She smiled. I explained that I was going to take her back for her 6 month review and ask her a few questions. But she didn't get up out of her chair. So I said, "Alright so you want to get up and come back with me?" "Uhh huh," she said while still sitting there. I waited but nothing happened. So I said, "Alright can you stand up?" "Mmmm hmm..." But she remained seated. I'm thinking, "How do I get this lady to get up and walk to the office?" I said, "Alright, stand up. Let's go. Come on....." I was about to try the word getty-up when an aide came over and said, "Oh. She is Spanish speaking only." Lol. Ahhh HA! That's the trick.

Working with older adults always makes life seem that much richer. It has a way of highlighting all that I DO have. All that that I can be grateful for. Do you have anything you've been taking for granted? Can you think of anything that you may have neglected in your haste to accomplish and achieve and press forward? How about your health? The use of your hands, legs? Eye sight? Do you have family members that are still alive? Can you care for yourself, or contribute to your family or household? Can you swallow your food? Do you have a good appetite? Can you exercise? 

May you go into the week with a gratefulness for all that you have, and a vision for all the doors that remain open to you. 

-Jenna Jill

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