Tuesday, January 24, 2012

::Tuesday's Tea With Me::

Golly it has been so cold in the mornings. It was so cold the other day my hands nearly stuck to my steering wheel. However... it's been perfect for a nice hot tea to start off the day No?

So I was fiddling with my new record player yesterday and I was trying to get certain radio stations to come in clearly. I was turning the knob this way and that, and out of the radio pops this voice that says, 

"Good intentions will not provide spiritual strength." 

I sat there thinking on that for a second and the voice kept going...

"We cannot possibly be prepared for life's challenges without practicing spiritual discipline such as fellowship, prayer, and reading about God's promises."

The man kept talking but I quickly fumbled for the off button so I could process those words before my brain moved on. That's pretty deep. 

How will I have time for spiritual disciplines such as prayer (connecting with God) if I have 5 gadgets in front of me, that with the touch of a button, connect me to people? I can become so over-connected with people that there is no opening to hear that still small voice. And frankly that quiet gentle voice is the one that really matters. It's what guides me along my very own unique path. I don't want to follow the masses. I want to be Jenna.

How can you observe a discipline daily, that will strengthen your spirit? That will cut your attention loose from all the wires and let your soul take a breath of fresh air? Is it a morning walk? Is it charging your phone in the kitchen instead of your nightstand? Is it keeping electronics out of your bedroom? Spending 20 minutes of undivided attention with one child, or one pet? Not answering phone calls for a day or two and returning messages later? How can we block all those things that seek to grab our attention and distract us. Because meaning to slow down, is not slowing down. And delayed obedience is disobedience.

Just something to think on. Love you guys. Hope this cold weather affords you a quiet moment to reflect and be intentional with your time. Your life.

-Jenna Jill


Anonymous said...

I've missed you on FB, so I went looking for you. I had a similar experience too, yesterday. The statement was made, "many people believe that as they get older they will get closer to God--this is not true. God is right next to you right now."

And I thought, "I'm glad I knew that. How blessed am I to have so much faith it is considered a gift, I wish everybody had this." lita monteiro

Jenna Jill said...

Good stuff Lita.