Tuesday, February 21, 2012

::Tuesday's Tea With Me::

You know... I don't even miss Facebook. I had withdrawals for the first week or two. And then slowly... it just started to not matter so much. And the quality of my life and my social interactions has increased exponentially. Just thought I'd throw that in there to start.
"The path to enlightenment is not a group trip. It's between you and God. This means you've got to go inside. The fewer external distractions and the more concentration you have, the easier it is to get there."
-Bhagavan Das

I feel like a large portion of my writing is devoted to stress management. But oh well if that's what comes out... here's some more of it. 

If you think multitasking is saving you time, think again. According to the Journal of Experimental Psychology, in a study involving various kinds of tasks, subjects lost time when they had to switch from one task to another. AND... the time costs increased with the complexity of the chores. It took even longer for subjects to switch between more complicated tasks.

"Multitasking" is a term that belongs to computers. Machines. Listening to your favorite iTunes and googling directions to your next appointment, while printing out your W-2s. These are all things that a computer can handle all at once, but the human brain does not work like that. Because the human brain is in league with a spirit. Kind of cool I know. It is that unique spirit within you that is the spark plug for social interactions.

Have you ever been talking to someone who is clearly a thousand miles away in their mind? That drives me NUTS! Lol. Okay so it may be that I'm demanding, but I'm pretty sure most of you are spending time with people, because you want to interact with them. Sheesh. Otherwise I would just buy a blow up doll and talk to it all day. Tell it my whole life story. No. I want to have people in my life that witness my life. That can tell me stories that they remember about me and that I can retell about them.

Take my best friend Anna. She is always telling me some story about when we were little that I had completely forgotten, but is usually rather hysterical. Which then reminds me of a story about her. It's such a joy to share life with one another. To laugh and re-tell stories. Like I just told her this one the other day. I remember when we were in elementary school she got hit by a car while riding her bicycle. And I was afraid to go see her because I thought that she would be flat like a pancake. Lmbo. (Too many cartoons?)

For this morning, I'll leave you with a few questions to consider. Who do you want to witness your life? Your co-workers? Your children? Your hair stylist? What things can you un-multitask to enjoy them. Like eating while sitting down... Is that an option these days? 

I love you guys and I pray that in this world of instant gratification and productivity, we can remember that there is much more to life than increasing its speed.

Mua. Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!
Be blessed,

-Jenna Jill

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